I didn't realize I had to change blogger such that Anonymous posters could post. Now, you can remain anonymous, you anonymous masses you.
As promised, here are the rest of the photos of costumed characters I took at PAX.
2. ...and samurai (from Shogun: Total War?) enjoy playing APB: Reloaded. |
5. Another pose. They had a lot of 'tude. :) |
6. Bacon bacon bacon! Who doesn't love bacon man! He had a whole entourage of people around him who would give people passing by Bacon Salt. |
7. Scorpion does get replaced quite often. I think Scorpion Mk II is a much better kombatant than Mk I, don't you? |
8. Kitana doesn't look like she's trying very hard to resist, does she? :) |
9. Are these guys from Minecraft or something? Or some other 8-bit game? |
10. These zombies were part of a promotion for Rise of Nightmares, a new Kinect horror zombie game coming out soon. If you were the first to take a photo of them and post it on twitter, you could have won a prize. I didn't. |
11. The zombie on the left looks like he botched his last surgery. |
12. World of Warcraft again? I'm not sure. |
13. I feel like I should recognize these, but I don't. Pretty neat costumes anyway. |
14. This guy looks like he belongs in some kind of post-apocalyptic wasteland. Probably Borderlands again. |
15. The nurse is IN! |
16. This is not a guy you want to make angry. You might get drummed. Ho ho ho. |
17. Mario standing in line. His pal, Luigi, standing next to him didn't look like he tried quite as hard. I would complain that he doesn't have a plunger, but Mario never seems to have one anyway. |
18. More marines next to the Colonial Marines exhibit. There were quite a few of them circulating through the exhibit. |
19. Another marine. This guy looked like he had an MG42 grafted onto a steadi-cam mount. I highly suspect such a rig wouldn't stand up to the recoil in actual use. |
20. An engineer from TF2! And he found one of a 100 golden wrenches! No, sadly, he did not say "A spy is sapping mah sentry!" |
21. Here's a heavy I found in the Halofest area of PAX. Sadly, he was not accompanied by a medic or a dispenser. Really impressive gun model, though! |
22. Err, yeah, I have no idea. You might not want to get too close to him, though, that maul looks hefty (though it's probably made of styrafoam). |
23. A vampiress? Not sure which series (not Bloodrayne, as she isn't a red head). Very visually striking, one of my favorite costumes from PAX. |
24. A group photo - Final Fantasy 13 with blue guy that has a maul. Why do the blue guys with mauls always get all the girls? |
25. It's a Venus Fire Trap! She's chilling in the corner, waiting for an unsuspecting Mario to walk by. |
26. There they are! Quick, get them! Wait, they're just impostors with hats! |
27. Another group photo. I could have done without the picture of the destructoid robot in hot pants seared into my brain. Therefore, I am sharing it with the world. |
28. He's a monk. With a halberd. That's all you need to know. |
29. Octavius, perhaps? Spiderman with mechanical appendages? Help me out here. |
30. This costume is too hilarious. I love the combination of kitchen implements + plunger. She really is a super hero - she can cook and clean up bathrooms simultaneously! On second thought, maybe that isn't the best combination. :O Again, another of my favorites from PAX. |
Well, that's all the cool costumed people I have to share from PAX. I had a few more photos, but they were crummy and not worth posting. My guess is that about 2% of the people attending PAX dress up in costume, and of that 2% I probably only saw about 25% of them. Oh well, there's always next year.
To all of those who create and dress up in cool costumes each year - keep being awesome!
Up next: a quick tour through Halo Fest. Eventually, I will talk about the games I saw, I swear!
29. lord recluse (city of heroes MMO)