Continuing on...
Upstairs people were kitting themselves out as zombies. They seem pretty jolly, for zombies. |
These are new characters from 'Super' Monday Night Combat. Monday Night Combat is yet another game I sadly haven't tried yet, though I do have a copy via a Steam sale (so many Steam sales!) |
Step just a little closer... |
It looks like it would be hard to clean that pistol. Maybe it's powered by unearthly energy and doesn't need to be cleaned? |
Jurassic Park games in progress. I DID get a chance to play this one. |
From everything I saw before PAX, I thought the Jurassic Park games were just QTEs (Quick Time Events), albeit QTEs in the style of Heavy Rain, whereby missing one QTE wouldn't kill your character outright. This is true in some areas, but not in others. Thankfully, the game doesn't back up too much before giving you a second chance to get it right if you didn't do the event properly and ended up as chunky kibble bits.
However, QTEs are not the only thing about the game. It likes to break up the action with puzzle areas, when you get to explore and solve problems. As an example, I played a scene where the player needed to figure out how to herd the baby triceratops back into its pen. This required you to look around the area for the information necessary to solve the dilemma. In this case, it required a combination of using the manual controls for the gate as well as using the car's horn and lights to distract the dinosaur so I could get it back inside its pen.
This was then followed with a quick time event sequence where a tyrannosaur tried to eat my characters several times, which was great fun.
The graphics are nothing to write home about, and I found myself wishing they had gotten different voice actors, because they sounded incredibly bland. However, those were really the only two blemishes against the series. I'll probably check it out when it arrives.
The Battlefield 3 exhibit. I lost all interest in checking out Battlefield 3 once I found out EA has made it an Origins exclusive. I don't want to install their cruft on my computer. Steam is a known quantity, and EA hasn't proved to me yet that they can be a good citizen. |
I *think* this was for League of Legends, but I could be wrong. Cool artwork is cool. |
Tanks tanks tanks! It looks interesting, but I didn't try it. It's Free 2 Play, or Freemium, so you can go check it out if you like. |
Some shells at the 'World of Tanks' booth. In grand Hollywood tradition, they're Styrofoam (I couldn't resist touching one). |
Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City. It's slated for release sometime later this year. It supports four player co-op play, and is supposedly about playing Umbrella special forces trying to clean up the city from the zombie menace! |
Is that a zombie? Blam blam blam. |
APB: Reloaded artwork. The game is Free 2 Play, and I played it. For about a day. I'll have to post my review of it later. This artwork is neat, though. :) |
More neat APB: Reloaded art work. |
Upstairs in the console free play lounge. You took a ticket, looked at a list of games, and decided what you wanted to play. Then, you traded a form of ID for the game and went a played it for awhile. A neat idea PAX has done every year. There's also a free play room for PCs as well, where you can play for 45 minutes whatever games they have loaded on the boxes (usually it's a good selection). |
The main escalator lobby, crowds going up an down. Up and down. A LOT. :) |
A look out at the top of the escalators, from the fifth floor looking onto the fourth floor. The fourth floor had the exhibition hall, while the sixth floor has some more exhibitions as well as BYOC (Bring your Own Computer), various tournaments, and the freeplay rooms. |
A view of the exhibition hall on the fourth floor, chock a block full of booths and people. |
The really awesome looking 'Rift' booth. Rift is an MMORPG, and I usually don't play them. Sadly, that means I haven't played this one either. But it looks really cool anyway! |
A closer look at the vines up top. It was really well done. |
That's all I have time for today. Tune in next time for the final and last part of a tour through PAX!
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